Sail Away! I’m Taking It With Me!

This is the second iteration of the coffin installation.

The first version, “Market Now! You can’t Take It With You!”, was intended to be a memento mori kick-in-the-pants exhortation to market one’s work. My thought was that work is preserved by being collected.

For the Schack show, I re-interpreted the  the coffin.  New title:  “Sail Away! I’m taking it with me.!” Dick Weiss called it “your wooden boat to the land of the dead.”

By this time, I thought my attraction to the coffin stuffed with treasure was because it was akin to an archetype:  the Ancients buried themselves with their treasures and that’s how their objects survived the ages.

“Sail Away!” was shown at “Currents 2020” at the Schack Art Center, Everett, WA, 2020.

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